Gender Equity and Non-Discrimination

Empowerment Hope Restoration Non-Profit Organization > Gender Equity and Non-Discrimination

What We Do

Gender Equity and Non-Discrimination

E.H.R in Trans-nzoia Kenya through gender equity and non-discrimination program, we work to contribute towards equity, protection and enjoyment of the rights of girls, young women and those with disabilities among them in the society. Thousands of Young people, girls, and young women have been denied of their rights, their voices are crowded out not to be heard face exclusion, violence, discrimination and they are left out from participation in decision making which determines their futures especially those who belong to other highly marginalized population, those in the rural areas and ethnic minorities

African communities are characterized by growing inequality and discrimination against girls, women, children & youth, persons with disabilities, sexual and gender minorities in the face of progressive national regional and even international laws and human rights instruments.

E.H.R in Trans nzoia Kenya through gender equity and non discrimination program, we work to contribute towards equity protection and enjoyment of the rights of girls, young women and those with disabilities among them in the society. We promote and provide girl’s education and skills training, guiding and counseling, mentorship, leadership development, advocacy entrepreneurship and social economic skills, sexual and reproductive health care education and resources.

Thousands of girls and young women have always been denied of their rights their voices are crowded and not to be heard,  face exclusion,  violence, discrimination and they are left out from participating in decision making which determines their futures especially to those who belong to other marginalized population, those in rural areas and ethnic minorities. We therefore work to defend the rights of all girls, young women and children those with disabilities among them to live free from discrimination and harmful gender based attitude and practices, regardless of their gender or sexual identity ensuring they are safe, they learn, have access to leadership and thrive in life.

Many girls have been limited by their traditional gender norms from progressing, so we provide education, sexual and reproductive health care and rights eradication of gender based violence and harmful traditional practices including; child marriage and female genital mutilation/ circumcision

Through our outreach we engage the entire community, parents, schools, community leaders, local and national government so that to work together towards gender justice. We empower and equip girls with knowledge and skills they need that will help them live independent lives to become the source of change, while also ensuring men and boys are engaged in building a more equitable and nondiscrimination society. Most of these girls and young women are needy and also not able to cater for their education and skills training as well as their special and basic needs. Your support to this program will surely make a great impact in the lives of our girls.